Tag: Graph

Assign Intune device category based on users department property

macOS devices enrolled via Apple Business Manager don’t have the option to be enrolled to Intune with a group tag like Windows devices. With a group tag you can create a dynamic device group and then auto assign a scope tag to those devices. So it would be nice to think of something so macOS devices also could be added to a dynamic group and then auto assign a scope tag to those devices. In order to achieve this I created a PowerShell script with Intune Graph to auto assign a (department) category to the macOS Intune managed devices based on the users department property. You can read my post to find out how you can achieve this.

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Change Intune device category with PowerShell and MS Graph Intune module

I tried to find a way to be able to change the category assigned to an Intune device without having to use the Intune portal. I found a lot of information about it and even working scripts. But these scripts didn’t do exactly what I wanted. So I used some scripts and information about PowerShell and the MS Graph Intune module and merged them into my script. Some results I wanted to accomplish were to change an Intune device category by using the device name and the category name not the device ID or category ID. I also build in some checks. I wrote this post about it and I hope you find it useful.

Continue reading “Change Intune device category with PowerShell and MS Graph Intune module”
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